态度 Attitude
想到说到,说到做到,尽心尽力. Express what you think , do what we say we will do, and make all effort to do
大局观,与其它团队默契配合,以达到项目目标。Be with overall views and thinkings, interact well with other members to achieve the goals.
与客户共赢。Winning with customers.
多元化 Diversity
尊重每个人的背景(社会,家庭),性别,学历,身体状况,地域等。Respect everyone's background (society, family), gender, education, health, regions and other personal differences
尊重每个人的意见,尊重每个项目参与者的话语权。Respect everyone's opinion; respect the discourse right of each project participants.
分享自己的专业知识和经验。Share your expertise and experience.
活力 Dynamic
创新:人人皆可创新,事事皆可创新. Innovation: Everyone and everything can be innovative.
敢于尝试,不惧失败,善于总结Dare to try, not afraid of failure and learn from it.
进取:勇于承担责任,主动迎取任务和挑战。Be enterprising:Take the responsibility bravely, accept the task and face th